Padma Ling around Europe:-
Padma Ling Belgium
Padma Ling France
Padma Ling Germany
Padma Ling Guyane
Padma Ling Spain
Padma Ling Switzerland
Padma Ling UK
Padma Ling Luxembourg - email
External Links
Findhorn Foundation
Useful Links
Community Land Trust Online Handbook
Ocean Arks Living MachinesNatural Water Treatment
Ecovillage Network"
Permaculture Magazine - Solutions for Sustainable Living
Green Shopping - for everything!
and don't forget
Fundraising Links
International Housing Co-operatives 15, route des Morillons, 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Genève, Suisse
Tel: +41 22 929 88 88 -- Fax: +41 22 798 41 22 -- E-mail: - International Associateion of Social Finance Organisations
Ecology Building Society
Ethical Finance and Insurance
Other TBC
European Funds
Friends Provident Stewardship Unit Trust, NPI/Henderson Global Care Unit Trust, Sovereign Ethical, Scottish Equitable Ethical, Murray Johnstone Ethical World, Gyllenberg Forum (Finland), Banco Samarit Fond (Sweden), ASN Aandelensfonds (Holland), ABF Het Andere Beleggingfonds (Holland), Bacob Defensive Stimulus (Belgium). Some ethical funds have an environmental focus, although many other ethical issues are considered. Examples include: CIS Environ, Jupiter Ecology, KBC Eco Fund (Belgium), KD Fonds Ökoinvest (Germany), Ökovision (Germany), Robur Miljöfonden (Sweden). This latter group of funds has sometimes been referred to as environmental or green funds.
Sustainable Performance Group, Oekosar Sustainable Development in Switzerland and Storebrand/Scudder Principle World Fund in Norway. There are also funds based on the Dow/Jones Sustainability Index such as Leonia Arvo in Finland
Oekovision Ethical Investment Link
Addresses and Email:-
Padma Ling : Calle Sant Pere Més Alt, 68 3º 08003 Barcelona (ESPAÑA) Tlf. 932 681 161 E.mail:
Padma Ling UK 2 Church Court, Church Road,Lyminge, Kent, CT18 8FB, (UK)Tel +44 01303 86287 7 or +44796 9408960
Padma Ling Belgique -20 rue Cans B-1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)
Padma Ling e.V.Postfach 64179006 Freiburg0721 / 37148013
Padma Ling Suisse Case Postale 63010 Bern 10 Tel / Fax + 41 31 312 10 40
For a full list of Padma Ling's Associations please go to the Contacts Page, Thank you. ContactWebPerson: